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Canada’s Safest Employers Award Finalist

September 20, 2023

Edmonton, AB (Sept. 20, 2023) – Canada’s Safest Employer revealed their 2023 excellence awardees and GeoVerra is pleased to announce that their team has been selected as a finalist and [...]


GeoVerra Receives High COR Audit Score

August 28, 2023

Edmonton, AB (August 28, 2023) – GeoVerra is excited to announce they received an outstanding score of 97 per cent on their recent external COR audit for BC, AB, SK, [...]


GeoVerra continues to achieve industry-leading safety scores and aims to finish the year strong

November 22, 2022

Edmonton, Alta (Nov. 22, 2022) – GeoVerra, one of Canada’s largest surveying and geomatics firms, is pleased to announce that they received an outstanding score of 95 percent on the [...]


Safety, Revitalized

October 4, 2022

Edmonton, AB (Oct. 4, 2022) – These days, workplace safety is top of mind for most organizations. But it’s not just about compliance and checking off boxes—testing the status quo, [...]


National Day of Mourning

April 28, 2022

Edmonton, AB (April 28, 2022) – April 28 is the National Day of Mourning, which is held annually in Canada and is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives [...]


2,000,000 Hours to Celebrate!

November 10, 2021

GeoVerra is incredibly proud to announce that together, our team members have worked 2,000,000 consecutive hours since we launched last June without a lost-time injury – 2,018,364 hours, to be [...]


GeoVerra Receives a High Score on B.C. COR Audit

July 27, 2021

GeoVerra, is pleased to announce that they received an outstanding 96 per cent score on their B.C. Certificate of Recognition (COR) audit. The scope of the audit was based on [...]


Zero – A Number to be Proud of: GeoVerra reports impressive safety statistics

November 5, 2020

Written by: Jen Alain, Director of HSE A few weeks ago, our Chief Executive Officer, John Nielsen, asked me to provide a high-level overview of our Q3 HSE stats and [...]