GeoVerra Director Selected as First Vice-President on ASET’s Council

Wade Weaver, director at GeoVerra, has been selected for the Council position of First Vice-President for the Association of Science & Engineering Technologist of Alberta (ASET).

Wade Weaver grew up on his family’s farm north of Lloydminster, Alberta. At an early age, he learned all about farming equipment and agricultural tools. He started in construction but changed tracks and took the civil engineering technology program at Lethbridge College. He worked as a labourer, operator and survey assistant to pay his way through school. A great believer in lifelong learning and professional development, Wade obtained his C.E.T. in 2009. He next enrolled in NAIT’s bachelor of technology in technology management (B.Tech.) program, graduating with honours in 2012. Two years later, he earned his PMP designation and followed that up in 2015 with a designation as a P.Tech.(Eng.). Once he’d graduated, Wade moved to Edmonton to work at an engineering and geomatics consulting firm. There he started as a materials technologist, moved to a field project manager and eventually became the director for transportation, infrastructure, industrial and power at GeoVerra.

Wade enjoys the challenges that have led him to a range of initiatives across the province. His portfolio includes transportation, commercial and industrial projects, as well as highway and pipeline construction. Most recently he’s contributed to Inter Pipeline’s propylene complex, which is well underway in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. Wade’s strong support for ASET is clear from his volunteer work with the association for over seven years. He feels ASET needs to continue innovating to support members and provide wider recognition during these challenging times.

Wade’s suggestions for innovative solutions are:
• recognition through advocating for and educating the public on designations
• retooling the Career Centre model to promote more job opportunities to members
• providing opportunities for members to shift their careers into emerging fields
• promoting diversity within ASET by embracing mentorship programs and extending into schools
• increasing value for members with networking opportunities

With increased public knowledge and more practical value from membership, he pictures a stronger, more unified ASET of the future.

Article written by ASET

Congratulations, Wade on this well-deserved appointment!

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